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Little Deathanimation

Drama. Animation. Comedy A middle-aged filmmaker on the verge of a breakthrough. Two kids in search of a lost backpack. A small dog a long way from home.
Media Author Review
United Kingdom
"You can applaud Begert and his high-profile supporters for attempting this bold structural experiment (...) but it may not work in the commercial marketplace beyond a mere curiosity." 
United States
"In many ways, it feels like an heir to Aronofsky’s 'Requiem for a Dream,' in the way it zigzags between its pill-poppers. Only it doesn’t have Aronofsky’s trademark intensity. " 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Begert’s direction is slick and capable — and absorbing performances from most of the cast. But Little Death can’t fulfill the ambitions of its intellectual exercise" 
United States
New York Post
"A lot of directors can make an attractive movie with cardboard acting, or an aesthetically bland one with blistering performances. Begert sacrifices neither looks nor humanity and guides his cast impeccably well for someone so new. (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
"Every once in a while, you see a movie where it feels like one performer is in a very different project, and that’s the case with Talia Ryder, who’s so good that one wishes she could just walk into a different film" 
United States
The Wrap
"Jack Begert’s music video experience pays off in his visually stunning directorial debut" 
United States
The Playlist
"It turns out this endeavor is a manic mix of two different movies in one and the second barely redeems it enough to make you stick around for the end credits." 
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