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La La Land

Musical. Romance. Comedy. Drama Mia, a young aspiring actress, serves lattes to movie stars in between auditions and Sebastian, a jazz musician, scrapes by playing cocktail party gigs in dingy bars, but as success mounts they are faced with decisions that begin to fray the fragile fabric of their love affair, and the dreams they worked so hard to maintain in each other threaten to rip them apart.
Media Author Review
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"It’s a sweet-natured drama that’s full of bounce (...) Very soon I was utterly absorbed by this movie’s simple, storytelling verve and the terrific lead performances from Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone who are both excellent. (...) Rating: ★★★★★ (out of five)" 
United States
The New York Times
“'La La Land' succeeds both as a fizzy fantasy and a hard-headed fable, a romantic comedy and a showbiz melodrama, a work of sublime artifice and touching authenticity" 
United States
Rolling Stone
"The movie of the year (...) what makes La La Land such a hot miracle is how the passion for cinema and its possibilities radiates from every frame (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of four)" 
United States
"[It] is the most audacious big-screen musical in a long time, and (...) that’s because it’s the most traditional (...) It’s an exciting ramble of a movie, ardent and full of feeling, passionate but also exquisitely — at times overly — controlled." 
United Kingdom
"'La La Land' wants to remind us how beautiful the half-forgotten dreams of the old days can be (...) It has its head in the stars, and for a little over two wonderstruck hours, it lifts you up there too. (...) Rating: ★★★★★ (out of five)" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"[Chazelle] really knows how to stage and frame dance and lyrical movement, to transition smoothly from conventional to musical scenes (...) and to breathe new life into what many would consider cobwebbed cliches." 
United States
The Wrap
"The musical is as malleable and eclectic a genre as any other, and Chazelle reminds us how effectively it can be applied to intimate moments as well as huge ones." 
United Kingdom
"For Chazelle, the story is just a slight rib around which he builds a modern rhapsody (...) Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling are perfectly cast and committed." 
United States
"An ode to classic musicals that captures their fun, if not their greatness (...) It’s high-concept pastiche, filled with beautiful people, beautiful movement, and beautiful colors." 
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"Every once in a while, you come out of a movie theater feeling like you’re walking on air. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it restores your faith in the power of cinema (...) 'La La Land' is one of those rare films" 
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