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War Game

Thriller. Mystery. Drama US officials simulate a coup post a disputed election. Insurgents take capitals, questioning the president's military control. Countering disinformation is vital, highlighting bipartisan defense of democracy.

Media Author Review
United States
The Playlist
"A riveting political thriller (...) Sweeping, realistic, and theatrically escalating, 'War Game' is a must-watch and really enthralling stuff" 
United States
San Francisco Chronicle
"'War Game' shows how social media and TV news could be weaponized against the legitimate government (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
"[It] makes a skillful argument for why competent experts should be put in charge of things, but its fatal flaw is the way it illustrates why they so rarely are these days" 
United States
The Daily Beast
"Could the Jan. 6 insurrection happen again? [It] stages a training exercise to determine the likelihood. The results—and the film—are chilling" 
United States
The Washington Post
"As a simultaneously slick and provocative entertainment, 'War Game' is chilling and a tad infuriating, offering a white-knuckle rid (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
Paste Magazine
"What might quell the anxiety of some viewers will likely ignite incredulity among others, particularly as the simulation concludes a bit too cleanly for our current moment of extremist rhetoric and action" 
United States
AV Club
"Ably taps into a gathering darkness present in society, but seems to have no thesis, one way or another" 
United States
The New York Times
"'War Game' is blunt and effective. It’s easy to get swept up by the ticktock storytelling, and to be moved both by the recent history it invokes and by the sincerity of its participants" 
United States
"The film’s narrative is uncompelling, with much of the climactic moments of the war game dealt with in glossed-over hand-wave fashion (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)" 
United Kingdom
"A briskly paced, compelling docu-thriller perfectly timed for another hotly contentious election year in the United States" 
United States
"Moss and Gerber clearly understand that the ticktock of this hypothetical insurgency will make for exciting cinema, but they’re also interested in how the people participating in this simulation got here" 
United States
"The exercise is consistently interesting, but feels a bit shallow at times" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"It registers with full force as a realistic depiction of a nightmarish scenario that could easily occur just a few months from now" 
United States
"An intense documental (...) By translating these viewpoints into action, 'War Game' serves as a warning that if history repeats itself, the difference between doing so as farce or tragedy rests on a knife’s edge" 
United States
The Film Stage
"'War Game' feels stuck between showing us how our leaders would handle this scary coup attempt and making an entertaining movie about it" 
United States
"'War Game' isn't what one might consider a typical horror movie, but thanks to its subject matter, it's one of the scariest films you're likely to see in 2024" 
United States
Rolling Stone
"[It] is the scariest documentary you’ll see this year" 
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La toile blanche
Jacques Giraldeau