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Lights Outtv series

TV Series. Drama TV Series (2010-2011). 13 Episodes. An aging former Irish-American heavyweight boxing champion Patrick "Lights" Leary tries to find his identity after retiring from the sport he loved so much. After years of wear and tear in the ring, he is diagnosed with pugilistic dementia, a neurological disorder that affects boxers who suffer too many blows to the head, which gradually causes memory loss and constant headaches. Now, Lights is ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
"A particularly fine new FX drama marred only by a tepid pace in the pilot. But pace and story pick up in subsequent episodes."
United States
The Wall Street Journal
"It's quickly clear that this skillfully sustained, sharply plotted series is a fighter saga you'll want to follow to the final bell."
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Beyond the superb pilot, Lights Out begins to get wonderfully nuanced and more interesting with each episode." 
United States
Philadelphia Inquirer
"Personally, I have even less interest in boxing than I do in those other worlds, so when I say I swallowed most of the 13-episode first season of FX's new boxing drama,' Lights Out' in a couple of marathon gulps, it's saying something."
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"At its strongest, it freshens those themes without melodrama, opting instead for slow-boil tension"
United States
New York Daily News
"'Lights Out' isn't always comfortable watching, because it forces people we like to do things we don't like. But if it's sometimes hard to watch, it's harder not to."
United States
"'Lights Out' isn't a knockout, but it's got enough grit and sweat to keep viewers on their toes." 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"It is something shy of electrifying and not always convincing, but it pulls you right along and offers too many good moments and fine performances not to recommend it." 
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