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Loottv series

TV Series. Comedy TV Series (2022-). 2 Seasons. 20 Episodes. After divorcing her husband of 20 years, Molly Novak must figure out what to do with her $87 billion settlement. She decides to reengage with her charitable foundation and reconnect with the real world—finding herself along the way.

Renewed for a third season.
Media Author Review
United States
AV Club
"[2nd Season Review]: Never going too dark or deep, Apple TV+'s series remains a fun showcase of its star's charms" 
United States
"[2nd Season Review]: Our mild recommendation continues from its first season to its second. The relationships between the characters are growing, which is great, but the show is just not as funny as it should be, and that’s always disappointing" 
United Kingdom
"[2nd Season Review]: It's a reliable fund of cheap laughs (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Playlist
"[2nd Season Review]: it is more of the same, but still -mostly- enjoyable" 
Screen Rant
"[2nd Season Review]: Despite some fun moments and a strong finale, 'Loot' season 2 struggles to maintain engagement and live up to its predecessor (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
"[1st Season Review]: 'Loot' is a heartfelt 'Ted Lasso' meets 'The Office'-style comedy complete with various layers of odd-couple dynamics that most certainly do not disappoint." 
Screen Anarchy
"[1st Season Review]: The supporting cast is terrific, though my eyes were constantly on Maya Rudolph. Her presence and performance galvanizes the consistently funny and insightful series" 
United States
Rolling Stone
"[1st Season Review]: [It] feels like a lot of great raw material in search of a series to make sense of it all" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"[1st Season Review]: An ambitiously strange and formally inventive examination of love and the afterlife (...) There’s a lot to enjoy about Loot, starting with its timely narrative and solid showcase for some of Maya Rudolph’s myriad skills" 
United States
"[1st Season Review]: The first season of 'Loot' is most often a pleasantly frictionless workplace comedy. But the moments in which it’s not are the show’s most compelling by a long shot." 
United States
"[1st Season Review]: A funny, surprising series with a great lead role for Maya Rudolph" 
United States
"[1st Season Review]: Though 'Loot' has a more-than-capable lead performer and a talented ensemble surrounding her, this Apple TV+ comedy digs a narrative hole for itself that it takes an entire season to climb out of." 
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"[1st Season Review]: Bubbly and beautiful to look at, gets a gratifying boost from its eccentric ensemble cast." 
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