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The Holdovers

Comedy. Drama Nobody likes teacher Paul Hunham -not his students, not his fellow faculty, not the headmaster, who all find his pomposity and rigidity exasperating. With no family and nowhere to go over Christmas holiday in 1970, Paul remains at school to supervise students unable to journey home. After a few days, only one student holdover remains -a trouble-making 15-year-old named Angus, a good student whose bad behavior always threatens to get him ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
New York Post
"It's the warmest cinematic experience you'll have all year (...) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 4)" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"A charming comedy (...) it’s a sensitively acted and delicately written comedy-drama that has a life all of its own. (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"A film about class and race, grief and resentment, opportunity and entitlement. It’s that rare exception to the oft-heard complaint that “they don’t make ’em like they used to." 
United States
The Playlist
"If you liked 'Sideways' you’ll likely find lots to love in this one. (...) The movie is genuinely funny. The characters are well rounded." 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"An Imperfect but Rewarding Campus Dramedy (...) it is an engaging and often touching comic drama that builds power as it moves toward its immensely satisfying conclusion." 
United Kingdom
"Featuring excellent supporting performances, 'The Holdovers' is crushingly wistful in precisely the way moviegoers have come to expect from Payne" 
United States
"[It] is a consistently smart, funny movie (...) Its greatest accomplishment is not how easy it is to see yourself in Paul, Angus, or Mary. It’s that you will in all three (...) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"A warm hug of a movie and the closest thing we've had to a new holiday classic in quite some time" 
United States
"Alexander Payne’s film is subtly attuned to the way that class constricts people’s lives (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"Richly satisfying film (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
The Washington Post
"A tale of three loners, suffused with tenderness (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"'The Holdovers' means to send you out of the theater exuding holiday cheer and possibly some renewed faith in humanity, but all that lingers, really, is an overpowering whiff of self-satisfaction. It reeks of insincerity" 
United States
Austin Chronicle
"[It] is a warm blanket on a sad day (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
Chicago Reader
"It blends feel-good and sorrowful themes thoughtfully to make a rewatchable flick" 
United Kingdom
"Hunham’s hero Marcus Aurelius once wrote, 'Give thyself leisure to learn some good thing'. Take his advice and see this film (...) Rating: ★★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
Time Out
"It’s a bittersweet callback to a golden age when there were a whole lot more movies like this one (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United Kingdom
"Paul Giamatti shines in Alexander Payne’s best film since 'Sideways' (...) Rating: ★★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"I’ve seen 'The Holdovers' three times already. It’s a lovely film, and likely a soon-to-be Christmas classic" 
United States
"It is funny, sad, witty, poignant, filled with snark and heart and great acting. It also manages to be a film set at the holidays that offers something truly new for the genre" 
United States
Rolling Stone
"It gives Paul Giamatti is best movie role since 'Sidheways'" 
United States
Vanity Fair
"Funny and rueful, 'The Holdovers' seems beamed in from another time in cinema history, when wordy and thoughtful little movies like this were in healthier supply" 
United States
"A sensitive but slightly underwhelming throwback" 
United States
The Film Stage
"For how it captures the ambiance of walking out of a liquor store and down a wintry street a few days after Christmas, 'The Holdovers' makes for the ideal annual holiday revisit" 
United States
The Daily Beast
"Its sentimentality expertly balanced by its humor, 'The Holdovers' is a story about the lies we tell ourselves (for good and ill) and the reality of our not-so-dissimilar human conditions" 
United States
"'The Holdovers' is proof that we need more thoughtful, studied, loving, and irresistible human stories on screen" 
United States
"A wonderful revelation from an excellent director who proves he's still able to take us by surprise" 
United States
"Paul Giamatti has never been better, playing a caricatured grump with dynamic and vulnerable layers" 
United States
The Wrap
"'The Holdovers' doesn't exactly feel like a new classic —it feels too familiar for that. Still, it does something tried-and-true so well and affectionally" 
"Hilarious and heartwarming, this is one of Alexander Payne's best films" 
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