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Thriller. Drama As a poor Irish-Italian growing up in 1950s New York City, Henry Hill rises through the ranks of his Brooklyn neighborhood's crime branch, and with money from the mob he begins living the good life, complete with a beautiful bride, a fancy home, and the best seats at the most exclusive restaurants. A botched robbery lands Henry in prison for a brief period of time, and when he gets released, his reckless infidelities and drug abuse ... [+]
belenmadrid: favorite reviews of Goodfellas
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  • 06/24/2010
    OBRA MAESTRA. Excellent
    Una escena dentro de un coche. Tres hombres.
    Uno conduce, los otros dos descansan. Se escuchan unos golpes, ¿que pasa?, ¿He atropellado a alguien?. Un pinchazo, puede que sea un pinchazo. Para y ... Read full review
    by: JVMarq
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