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Battleship Potemkin

Drama. War Based on real events that took place in 1905. The battleship Potemkin has just returned from the war with Japan and its crew is about to mutiny due to the brutal treatment and poor rations. When one morning they are served maggot-infested meat, the sailors end up rebelling. They tire of the officers' humiliating and unfair treatment. With this mutiny begins the revolutionary trail through Odessa and all of Russia against the Tsar's troops. [+]
Arakiri: favorite reviews of Battleship Potemkin
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  • 03/13/2009
    Cine hollywoodiense Awful
    La verdad es que no entiendo muy bien la nota tan alta que tiene esta película. Es muy aburrida, va de unos rusos que están muy excitados y se rebelan contra los malos, y es igual a las pelis que ... Read full review
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