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Moreshort filmanimation

More (S)
1998 United States
Animation. Sci-Fi. Drama MORE tells the story of an old, tired inventor as he struggles through joyless life in a drab and passionless society, leading the same cold and colorless existence accepted by the identical drones around him. At once tortured and inspired by his dreaming of and yearning for his younger carefree days, he struggles to finish the invention he hopes will give his life meaning and worth. His world, and the world of those around him, ... [+]
RandolphCarter: favorite reviews of More (S)
Validated reviews 1
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  • 06/28/2011
    Menos es más Great
    No sé cuántas veces habré visto este corto. Puede que unas 10 (hoy volví a caer). Una cosa tengo clara, y es que sin ser muy aficionado a esta modalidad artística que, creía, se limitaba a ser una ... Read full review
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