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Rear Window

Mystery A professional photographer, L.B. "Jeff" Jeffries (Stewart), is obliged to stay at home because he broke a leg. Despite the company of his girlfriend (Kelly) and his nurse (Ritter), he tries to escape from boredom by looking through the window of his apartment using goggles. After a while, he starts to suspect that there has been a murder in one of the opposite apartments.
AlvaroBravo: favorite reviews of Rear Window
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  • 09/17/2018
    Ver, mirar y observar es saber Great
    Film realizado por Hitchcock, que abre su etapa más creativa, la de los años 50. Escrito por John Michael Hayes, se basa en el relato "It Had To Be Murder" (1942), de Cornell Woolrich. Se ... Read full review
    by: Miquel
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