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Toy Story 3animation

Toy Story 3
2010 United States
Animation, Voice: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack ...
Animation. Fantasy. Adventure. Comedy. Kids As Andy prepares to depart for college, Buzz, Woody and the rest of his loyal toys are troubled about their uncertain future. After being accidentally thrown away, the toys land in a room full of untamed tots who can't wait to get their sticky little fingers on these "new" toys. It's pandemonium as they try to stay together, ensuring "no toy gets left behind." Meanwhile, Barbie comes face to plastic face with Ken (yes, that Ken).
Ghibliano: favorite reviews of Toy Story 3
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  • 01/4/2011
    Hasta la eternidad y más allá Excellent
    Recuerdo tanto aquellos multicines en la Albufera que hoy son un gimnasio enorme... Recuerdo tanto tantos momentos que viví en ellos. Recuerdo el arranque que me dejó sin aliento de El Rey León, yo ... Read full review
    by: Suki
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