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Bangkok Dangerous

Action. Thriller Joe (Nicolas Cage) is a professional hit man who picks someone off the street to do his errands, and after he is finished kills that person. His next assignment takes him to Bangkok, and as usual, he finds a street kid named Kong (Shahkrit Yamnarm) to help him. After Kong has a close call and learns who Joe is, Kong asks him to train him and he does. Joe also meets a local girl who is deaf and spends time with her. However, Joe has a ... [+]
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  • 12/20/2009
    "Oxide... hermano..." Bad
    Tras ver cómo los hermanos Pang golpean de nuevo, ya me he hecho una perfecta idea de ellos.

    Puede que no se corresponda con la realidad, pero apostaría bastante a que duermen en el ... Read full review
    by: Snuff
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