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The Cranes are Flying

Romance. Drama Veronica and Boris are walking in the streets of Moscow and they love each other. Veronica is laughing, cause they are happy together this morning. They see some cranes in the sky. When arriving to Veronica's house they talk about a rendezvous at the bank of the river. And the 2nd World War begins in Moscow. Boris works in a factory and he hasn't got time to speak with Veronica. He has to go to the war.
HUSTON: favorite reviews of The Cranes are Flying
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  • 08/4/2018
    Veronika. Very good
    196/10/27(11/15) Muy atractivo film soviético del director Mijaíl Kalatozov, sugestiva oda a las gentes que se quedan en la retaguardia en las guerras, a las mujeres que sufren la ausencia de su amado ... Read full review
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