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pgomezabadia rating:
Drama. Mystery. Thriller This twisted, brave, funny film from Spanish director Pedro Almodovar takes an unflinching look at the link between sex, death, and religion. Antonio Banderas stars as Angel, a sensitive student of matador Diego (Nacho Martinez), whose goring at the horns of a bull has left him obsessed with killing. In order to prove his manhood to Diego, the misguided Angel tries to rape his model girlfriend (Eva Cobo), and when that fails, he ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
November 29, 2005
5 of 12 users found this review helpful
Matador es una película diferente. Almodovar juega con el sexo y la muerte mezclando el eros con thanatos y dando qué pensar; pero sobre todo hacen más interesante la película las interpretaciones de los secundarios: la siempre brillante Chus Lampreave, Carmen Maura, Julieta Serrano y un joven y guapísimo Banderas como co-protagonista.
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