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Teenarama rating:
Sci-Fi. Fantasy. Romance David Norris (Matt Damon), a rising young politician in New York City, loses badly in a bid for the Senate. Going into the bathroom to compose his concession speech, he encounters ballerina Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt) hiding in a stall from security after crashing a wedding. The two strike it off and then unexpectedly kiss before David is called to go on stage. Due to her inspiration, he gives a rousing off-the-cuff speech. Some time ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
July 24, 2011
2 of 2 users found this review helpful
El guión intenta abarcar demasiado: desde una historia de amor a un ensayo sobre el determinismo y el libre albedrío. La estética es atractiva pero a los quince minutos va a la deriva y hace que el espectador pierda totalmente el interés por lo que le sucede a los personajes y, lo que es peor, que termine aburrido. Defrauda.
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