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Spain Spain · malaga
alexneo rating:
Western. Drama Little Bill Daggett (Gene Hackman), a sadistic, dictatorial sheriff, enforces gun control on a tiny frontier town, doling out his own brand of due process as he sees fit. When he denies justice to the prostitutes of the town brothel, one of whom has been slashed by a client, the women hire Bill Munny (Eastwood), a reformed gunslinger, to gain vengeance. However, Munny must contend with his new moral code in the face of revisiting the life he left behind. [+]
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  • es
February 23, 2011
3 of 4 users found this review helpful
Con todos mis respetos para John Ford (en la parte que le toca) y para John Wayne, Gary Cooper, y otros grandes (en la que les tocan) del cine del oeste, por que con esta pelicula.....
El vaquero duro, malo-malisimo, justo o injusto, que importa? Obra maestra de su genero.
Veanla, las peliculas del oeste después ya no serán iguales.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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