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Argentina Argentina · Buenos Aires
Alexis1976 rating:
Adventure. Drama Billy Tyne is a sword-fishing-boat captain out of Gloucester, highly competitive and stung by a string of poor outings. His crew is hardly back in port when he tells them he's going out again, even though it's October and the weather can turn ugly. Five join him: the young Bobby, newly in love; Murph, a devoted father recently divorced; Sully, a guy Murph despises; Bugsy, who's finally met a woman who likes him; and Alfred, a quiet ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
March 23, 2008
7 of 22 users found this review helpful
Amarga película sobre un barco pesquero y sus tripulantes, que pasan una serie de peripecias a raíz de una espantosa tormenta que se abate sobre el oceano, y que se trata de uno de los fenomenos climatológicos más extraordinarios que puedan existir.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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