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Spain Spain · Palma de Mallorca
Miguel Angel rating:
Drama Higinio and Rosa have only been married for a few months when the Civil War breaks out, representing a serious threat to his life. Helped by his wife, they decide to use a hole dug into their own home as a provisional hiding place. The fear of potential reprisals and the love they feel for one another will condemn them to an imprisonment that will last for more than 30 years.
Language of the review:
  • es
November 14, 2019
4 of 5 users found this review helpful
Película emotiva y te hace reflexionar sobre lo que nuestros mayores tuvieron que sufrir y hoy en día por desgracia siguen existiendo trincheras...
Los actores magníficos dignos de ser galardonados.
Fotografía exquisita.
En resumen es una gran lección para la vida.
Miguel Angel
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