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Colombia Colombia · @ZynemaClasico (Medellin)
Juan_Diego_GP rating:
Drama This filmed biography of Vincent Van Gogh was adapted by Norman Corwin from the best-selling novel by Irving Stone, which was in turn inspired by the written correspondence between Van Gogh and his brother Theo. Kirk Douglas plays the tormented genius, whose obsessive devotion to his art engulfs, consumes, and finally destroys him. James Donald costars as Theo Van Gogh, who provides financial and moral support to his brother from the ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
September 1, 2007
39 of 43 users found this review helpful
La vida del maestro Vincent Van Gogh mostrada a través una actuación comprometida, sentida y magistral de Kirk Douglas quien se sumerge en los intrincados laberintos del pensamiento del excepcional pintor. Una oportunidad para deleitarnos con sus hermosas pinturas "La Noche Estrellada", "Los Girasoles", "Café de Nuit" y muchas otras. Un guión inmenso, muy poético y filosófico hablando de la naturaleza y su relación con el Hombre, las dificultades por las que pasamos en la vida y una muestra de su sufrimiento y esperanza. Esas ansias de vivir, su valor para convivir con una enfermedad que lo consumía y su eterno e incondicional amor a la Pintura.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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