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Spain Spain · Pontevedra
newman rating:
Western. Drama Vienna has built a saloon outside of town, and she hopes to build her own town once the railroad is put through, but the townsfolk want her gone. When four men hold up a stagecoach and kill a man the town officials, led by Emma Small, come to the saloon to grab four of Vienna's friends, the Dancin' Kid and his men. Vienna stands strong against them, and is aided by the presence of an old acquaintance of hers, Johnny Guitar, who is not what he seems. [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
October 28, 2017
1 of 1 users found this review helpful
La ira.
El odio.
Un hombre con una guitarra.

Siento ver el mundo arder a través de sus gentes. Del egoísmo de unos y la barbarie de otros. El rostro de Mercedes McCambridge. El fin de una era. Una historia de amor casi olvidada.

Llegado a este punto mi pregunta es: si la locura es el síntoma ¿cual es la causa?
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