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Drama. Horror A young boy tries to cope with rural life circa 1950s and his fantasies become a way to interpret events. After his father tells him stories of vampires, he becomes convinced that the widow up the road is a vampire, and tries to find ways of discouraging his brother from seeing her. He must deal with an abusive mother, a father with a charge of molestation, a band of youths creating havoc, and an unforgiving environment in general.
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  • es
March 22, 2009
0 of 3 users found this review helpful
Muy interesante película que no os dejará indiferentes. La originalidad embriaga todo el metraje.
Es una mezcla inteligente en un ambiente surrealista de la América profunda de los 50´s.
Soberbia actuación del niño. El final de la inocencia...
Alea Iacta Est.
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