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Spain Spain · bilbao
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Documentary At the height of his stardom Michael Jackson began long-running relationships with two boys, aged 7 and 10, and their families. Now in their 30s, they tell the story of how they were sexually abused by Jackson, and how they came to terms with it years later.
Language of the review:
  • es
September 6, 2020
2 of 4 users found this review helpful
De eso va este documental que se regodea en el morbo de manera indisimulada, empezaré diciendo que no soy fan de MJ, pero su legado ahí está. También su drástico cambio de imagen y excentricidades.

Ahora bien, el hecho de ser un maniático, supuestamente homosexual e inmaduro le hace ser un pederasta?

Iré al spoiler para no mediatizar
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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