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Sir August de Winter rating:
Fantasy. Action. Adventure When a Nazi mystical experiment goes awry in 1944, the target of a wizard's spell, the child of Satan, Hellboy, is wrenched from his home, and adopted by the U.S. agents who intercept his arrival. Raised as a force of good, Hellboy grows up to be a full-fledged demon in the form of a man and an investigator of the paranormal. Now Hellboy is sent on a mission that brings him back in touch with the evil genius that started it all...
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  • es
July 21, 2006
4 of 9 users found this review helpful
Entretenida cinta que adapta las aventuras góticas y monstruosas del demonio investigador de lo paranormal creado por el magnífico dibujante Mike Mignola.
Ron Perlman consigue lo que pocos habrían conseguido al encarnar al protagonista principal. Un penitenciagite! suelto por ahí tampoco habría sobrado.
Buenos efectos especiales y toques de humor sarcástico para un film, que como el comic original, busca únicamente entretener, consiguiéndolo.
Sir August de Winter
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