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kavendan rating:
Drama A young boy (Haley Joel Osment) is challenged by his teacher (Kevin Spacey) to make the world a better place. The boy comes up with the "pay it forward" concept, in which you do a good deed for someone, who then does a good deed for three other people, rather than "payback" the favor. The boy starts by taking in a homeless junkie, much to the surprise of his mother (Helen Hunt).
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  • es
May 13, 2010
7 of 9 users found this review helpful
Una serie de personas empiezan un curioso juego. La persona que recibe un favor debe hacer, a la vez, un favor a otras tres personas. Una madre y su hijo tienen dificultades en su relación hasta que aparece un profesor. ¿De dónde ha salido esta cadena de favores?
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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