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Spain Spain · Valencia
Czhincksx rating:
Horror. Fantasy. Action Jack Russell is a descendant of the mystically-altered offshoot of humans known as Lycanthropes. During the night of the full moon and the two nights surrounding it he is forced to mutate into a werewolf, a large, powerful form which is a hybrid of human and wolf, and loses his human intellect. Through a series of events, he is also capable of mutating voluntarily outside of the full moon, at which time he remains in control.
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  • es
December 3, 2022
5 of 16 users found this review helpful
Era tan mala que no pude ver más que la mitad de una película que ya de por sí dura la mitad de una película normal. Parece dirigida por y para niños pequeños pero con un tono oscuro y ese blanco y negro que sólo la hace parecer pretenciosa.

Tan mala como las últimas porquerías de Marvel. Esta tampoco se salva por mucha nota que tenga aquí.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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