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Spain Spain · Palma (Mallorca)
Miquel rating:
Western When a bandit leader wants to build a church in memory of his dead sons, he raids three Mexican villages and kidnaps all the men for labour. One of these men is Chico, formerly of the original Magnificent Seven. His wife Petra immediately sets out to look for Chris and Vin, the other surviving members of the Seven. Chris recruits four others (a playboy, an avenger, a highwayman and an orphan) to reform the Seven, once again defending farmers from their oppressors. [+]
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  • es
June 8, 2005
18 of 22 users found this review helpful
Nunca segundas partes fueron buenas. Tampoco en esta ocasión, pese a Yul Brynner y Robert Fuller. La historia contiene situaciones exageradas, excesivas y poco verosímiles; el guión peca de grandielocuencia y adolece de naturalidad; la dirección a cargo de Burt Young presenta deficiencias en la puesta en escena y en el movimiento de los actores; la música de Elmer Bernstein no consigue salvar de la mediocridad a una obra poco consistente, endeble y destinada sólo a entretener.
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