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Spain Spain · A Coruña
ferg1977 rating:
Mystery. Thriller Amid the spectacular festivities of Holy Week in Seville, an aspiring novelist struggles with his work and pays his bills by composing crossword puzzles. A cryptic recording left on his answering machine demands that he include a certain word in a future puzzle, and he becomes drawn into a spiralling tangle of mystery, danger and confusion. Soon he's forced into participating in a real-life version of a computer game on the narrow ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
September 11, 2011
5 of 6 users found this review helpful
Tengo que reconocer que me encanta esta película.
Los papeles de Noriega y Mollá son convincentes y la trama original. Esta película si la hubieran hecho en EEUU 4 famosos sería la leche y tal, pero como tendrá un presupuesto flojo ya le bajamos la valoración.
Algunas escenas son mejorables pero recomiendo su visionado.
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