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La soubrette ingénieuse short film

Original title
La soubrette ingénieuse
Running time
2 min.
France France
Fantasy | Short Film
The opening of this remarkable and mysterious film brings into view a scene in a parlor, with two servants discussing the easiest way to hang four pictures which are leaning against the wall on the floor. The artful butler suggests to the pretty short-skirted parlor-maid that she should hang the pictures from the step-ladder which he hastens to secure from an adjoining room. In the meantime the maid mysteriously proceeds to hang the pictures herself by walking up the side of the wall, and after accomplishing this strange feat turns a somersault from the wall into a chair. The butler then appears on the scene with a ladder, but seeing the pictures already hanging on the wall stares in open-mouthed wonder, while the laughing maid hustles him, step-ladder and all, from the room, at the same time making funny grimaces at his mystification. This film is comic as well as mysterious. It is one of the very best yet produced and is certainly a winner.
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Ferdinand Zecca