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Spain Spain · torrevieja
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Animation. Drama. Romance Only Yesterday revolves around Taeko, a single woman working a desk job in Tokyo in 1982, taking a vacation in the countryside with the family of her sister in-law. During her vacation, Taeko finds herself looking back at her time as a young schoolgirl growing up in 1966. The film flips back and forth between the two time periods with a lot of nostalgia and beautiful country scenery as Taeko sorts out her flashbacks and tries to make ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
July 30, 2011
4 of 5 users found this review helpful
Esta película puede ser algo lenta, sí, pero no por eso hay que djear de verla. Técnicamente muy lograda, con una ambientación muy cuidada y unos paisajes maravillosos.
Pero lo mejor es lo emotiva que es, la alegría y las ganas de vivir que trasmite y lo a gusto que te quedas con ese maravillosa final.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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