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Spain Spain · Valencia
Josed rating:
Drama In June 1966, Rubin Hurricane Carter was a strong contender for the middleweight boxing title. When three people were murdered in a New Jersey bar, Carter's dreams were destroyed. Driving home from a nearby club, Carter was wrongly arrested and sentenced to serve three life terms in prison. Several years later, Carter's published memoir inspired a Brookly teenager and three Canadian activists who believed in the truth to join forces ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
December 2, 2019
1 of 1 users found this review helpful
Está película narra lo sucedido con "Huracán" Carter una situación difícil, una vida complicada, algo por lo que nadie debería pasar injustamente

Da a pensar la de personas que pueden haber sido condenadas injustamente y el que a veces quien parece culpable no es tan malo. Ni la policía siempre es tan justa como parece.

Y sublime también una vez más Denzel Washington.
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