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Argentina Argentina · Buenos Aires
Darío Lapicki rating:
Drama The film is inspired by the true story of Bruce Lee’s historic 1965 duel with Wong Jack Man, China’s most famous kung fu master at a time when San Francisco’s Chinatown was controlled by Hong Kong Triads. The story of the match is told from the perspective of Steve Macklin, a young disciple of Lee, who ultimately joins forces with Lee and Wong to battle a vicious band of Chinatown gangsters.
Language of the review:
  • es
April 3, 2018
5 of 7 users found this review helpful
Un abordaje a la disciplina del kung-fu y la diferente utilización que se le da en oriente y occidente. Una historia maquillada para Hollywood de un enfrentamiento real ocurrido en 1964. Entretenida, bien interpretada y con buenas peleas. La recomiendo.
Darío Lapicki
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