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El Chamo Derrite rating:
Drama The film follows an unnamed, middle-aged man, who is tired and disillusioned with life in Mexico City. He travels to the country side, where he plans to kill himself. There, he meets an old woman who lives by herself in a remote canyon and takes up lodging with her. The two begin an intense relationship. She is an uneducated woman, but has a deep understanding of life's problems. Her ability to transcend them is far superior to that of ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
October 16, 2011
1 of 1 users found this review helpful
Impactante, dura y Hermosa, una película que nunca olvidare, trata del olvido el abandono la soledad y el encontrar un camino donde ya no lo hay, un sentido a la vida donde todo se ha perdido, llena de muchas sensaciones imágenes impactantes y una música hermosa que entra en escena para hacerse protagonista y llevarnos a respirar adentro de la película.
El Chamo Derrite
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