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Spain Spain · Málaga
Germán rating:
Drama. Romance. Comedy Barcelona buddies Dani (Javier Pereira), Francisco (Marc Rodriguez) and Ignacio (Oriol Vila) are hanging out one summer afternoon when Francisco spots an obituary for an old friend of theirs, Alberto. They decide to go and pay their respects, and bump into Dani's ex-g.f. Carmen (Nuria Gago) and Alberto's sister Cristina (doe-eyed debutante Tamara Arias), whom Dani falls for -- but not before the boys have realized that the dead boy was ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
April 30, 2008
2 of 4 users found this review helpful
Tiene varias cosas buenas, como el tono, la estructura del guión y la banda sonora (muy bien integrada). Los diálogos no están mal, pero los actores ayudan poco.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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