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Tyrell Corporation rating:
Animation. Sci-Fi. Action The year is 2029. The world has become intensively information oriented and humans are well-connected to the network. Crime has developed into a sophisticated stage by hacking into the interactive network. To prevent this, Section 9 is formed. These are cyborgs with incredible strengths and abilities that can access any network on Earth. First anime film to be released at the same time in Japan, Britain, and the United States. Its ... [+]
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  • es
October 15, 2017
3 of 3 users found this review helpful
"Ghost In The Shell" es la definición de complejidad. Lo único, se define a un ritmo tan trepidante que si te despistas apartando demasiado los ojos de la pantalla vas a perder mucha información. Es una experiencia notable, muy interesante y densa tanto en premisa como en ideas. Ni su belleza ni su estilo pueden tratar de replicarse. Es un clásico único, notable y muy suyo.
Tyrell Corporation
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