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marta_menguante rating:
Romance. Drama Based on "Bodas de sangre" by Federico García Lorca, tells the story of a love triangle between two men and a woman. Two lovers carried away by their passion defying all moral and social rules even challenging their own judgment. The same day of her wedding, the bride and her lover escape on horseback to live their love. Their disobedience will have devastating consequences.
Language of the review:
  • es
February 6, 2018
4 of 5 users found this review helpful
Una adaptación preciosa en cuanto a su imagen y fotografía. Me encantaron la cantidad de símbolos y referencias a la obra de Lorca. Quizás con un ritmo un poco lento, una acción un poco más descuidada que compensa con una estética que enamora en cada escena.
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