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Argentina Argentina · capital federal
alekhan rating:
Drama Based on a true story, the film centres on Ah Tao (Ip), an amah (servant and nanny) who has worked for the Leung family for four generations. She lives with and takes care of Roger (Lau), a film producer who is the only member of the Leung household still living in Hong Kong. Roger returns home one day and finds Ah Tao unconscious after a stroke. Convinced she has becoming a burden, Tao resigns and moves into a retirement home. But upon ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
March 15, 2014
1 of 2 users found this review helpful
Como lo dice el nombre de la película, una vida simple con el amor de la familia;
A veces cuando faltan cosas que parecían ínfimas no las valoramos, y luego le tomamos
El valor verdadero.
Una historia muy real, muy conmovedora, con un final realmente bello.
Gran película de Ann Hui.
Muy buena.

8 estrellas
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