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Mexico Mexico · Guadalajara Jalisco
Alejandro Hernandez rating:
Drama Estela is a 12 year old girl who has just fallen crazy in love with a young police cadet who wants to run away with her and get married. Trying to achieve this dream, her family and specially her brother Heli (Armando Espitia) will have to live the violence that is devastating the region.
Language of the review:
  • es
November 1, 2016
2 of 2 users found this review helpful
Aunque en México estamos acostumbrados a ver noticias de muertes, decapitados y "ajustes de cuentas" practicamente todos los dias, Amat Escalante nos lo muestra friamente, sin censura, "como va", y eso provca en el espectador emocion, sea terror, tristeza, desesperanza, o lo que sea. Muy real. Muy buena.
Alejandro Hernandez
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