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Portugal Portugal · San Andrés de Teixido
Pelis En Galego rating:
Action. Adventure. Sci-Fi. Thriller Never before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures, so many religions, scientists, and governments. 2012 is an epic adventure about a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors. Centuries ago, the Mayans left us their calendar, with a clear end date and all that it implies. Since then, astrologists have discovered it, numerologists have found patterns that ... [+]
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  • es
December 31, 2012
1 of 1 users found this review helpful
La película, desde un punto de vista global: una fantasmada con la típica historia de las pelis yankis de familia desestructurada que se reconcilia ante la adversidad como trasfondo. Pero tiene cosas buenas, como los efectos especiales, y cosas interesantes y peculiares como:
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
Pelis En Galego
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