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Luis Miguel rating:
Film noir. Drama Carlos (C. Larrañaga), a young man who lives in the outskirts of the city of Barcelona, has ambitions and wants to change his life, even if it means committing a crime. That is why he suggests to Enrique (Fernando Sancho), a friend with contacts in the underworld, the ideal plan to rob the offices of the company where he used to work. The heist could bring them a lot of money... The film had to change its name due to a conflict with the ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
February 13, 2018
0 of 3 users found this review helpful
Ése es el mayor problema de este positivo intento de cine negro a la española. Las escenas con coches y otras secuencias se hacen demasiado largas, lo que ralentiza el ritmo y provoca altibajos. No obstante, como digo, la idea es buena.
Luis Miguel
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