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Spain Spain · valencia
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Drama. Romance The story of the relationship between painter Dora Carrington and author Lytton Strachey in a World War One England of cottages and countryside. Although platonic due to Strachey's homosexuality, the relationship was nevertheless a deep and complicated one. When Carrington did develop a more physical relationship with soldier Ralph Partridge, Strachey was able to welcome him as a friend, although Partridge remained somewhat uneasy, not ... [+]
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  • es
December 31, 2006
2 of 3 users found this review helpful
Las anteriores críticas dan en clavo sobre el meollo de la historia; un amor fuera de los convencionalismos de la época, un amor entre dos almas, sin importar el sexo (aunque creo que no poder consumar ese amor para Carrington supuso una búsqueda incesante de amantes que no la llenaban).
Me gustaría destacar la música, hermosísima, que transmite y acompaña a la historia haciéndola, si es posible, aún más redonda y emotiva.
Los actores, todos estupendos, la ambientación sobresaliente.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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