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Servadac rating:
Drama. Mystery The aristocratic Tony moves to London and hires the servant Hugo Barrett for all services at home. Barrett seems to be a loyal and competent employee, but Tony's girlfriend Susan does not like him and asks Tony to send him away. When Barrett brings his sister Vera to work and live in the house, Tony has a brief hidden affair with her. After traveling with Susan for spending a couple of days in a friend's house outside London, the couple ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
January 5, 2017
36 of 37 users found this review helpful
Joseph Losey no me parece un director de extrema sutileza, pero conoce bien su oficio.

Quisiera en estas líneas analizar un plano de ‘El sirviente’. Para ello, considero prudente zambullirme en zona ‘spoiler’. Nos vemos allá abajo.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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