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171 min.
India India
Thriller | Crimen
Veerappan has been a subject of great mystery and inquisitive character among the journalistic society. His life has been marked with various twists and turns that has always left a common man in oblivion of sorts. His crimes have been marked as acts of bloody thirst for power and money by the forces that have kept a track on him during his tenure as a brigand. This movie is made with a pure journalistic perspective. An in depth study of his life and activities which includes the final moments has been done over the past eleven years. Two hundred and fifty and odd first hand people connected to his life have been interviewed. The cinema is shot on real and authentic locations connected to the events. Also keeping the cinematic value intact, we have not left any stone untouched when it comes to the realistic genre of cinema with respect to this story. The cinema covers everything from the brigand's birth to death and all the pivotal events connected to his story.
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A.M.R. Ramesh