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metabaron rating:
Horror. Fantasy. Animation This sequel to the popular EC Comics parody once again brings an anthology of Stephen King's tales to the screen. In "Old Chief Wood'nhead," a dime store Indian comes to life and exacts bloody retribution on those who murdered its owner; "The Raft" details four teenagers descent into terror as they are stranded in the middle of a lake patrolled by a carnivorous gelatin monster; "The Hitchhiker" tells the tale of a woman's fateful date ... [+]
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  • es
April 14, 2009
1 of 3 users found this review helpful
Vale. Seamos serios: la película ha envejecido sobremanera y perdido parte de su encanto, pero sigue siendo un visionado agradable. Se echa de menos que ya no se hagan filmes de antología así (lo más parecido que hay hoy en día es la televisiva "Mastres of Horror") y... sigue encantando la historia del jefe indio.

La mejor del film, sin duda.
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