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Argentina Argentina · mar de ajo
gachicos rating:
Drama Two Argentine sisters, Memé and Aneta, lose their mother in a car crash. Memé, the elder, is also left lame with one badly scarred leg. The orphaned girls go to Uruguay to stay with their aunts. The sisters often bicker, but they are actually very close. Memé flirts but has no luck with boys because of her injury... On their own now, Memé works as a waitress where she gets to know Andy. Returning to Montevideo, they meet Dolores, a ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
October 21, 2006
4 of 12 users found this review helpful
Minucioso abordaje de la psicología de cada uno de los personajes... No hay ni buenos ni malos, lo más sublime y lo más mezquino de un ser humano conviven naturalmente, tal como se da en la vida real... Interesante metamensaje sobre los afectos, la posesividad y el autoboicot en nombre de la búsqueda de la felicidad...

Gachicos, desde Mar de Ajó- ARGENTINA
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