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Argentina Argentina · Villa Carlos Paz
cjferrario rating:
Sci-Fi. Thriller. Action The story takes place in a world covered by ice and snow, and it centers on a train full of travelers struggling coexist while they continue to cling to familiar class structures. As is usually the case with these sorts of stories, it seems to be an exploration of human nature when pushed to the brink. Apparently Joon-ho has wanted to tackle this project since 2005, before he went on to make The Host. He hopes to start filming in 2011. ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
April 17, 2015
5 of 7 users found this review helpful
En general, cualquier intento de expresión artística confusa y sin sustento (en este caso en particular los asesores científicos fueron reemplazados por maestros pasteleros) se explican con oscuras metáforas, de ahí la puntuación obtenida. Está de moda alabar lo extraño, no lo complejo.
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