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Ecuador Ecuador · Quito
Javiji86 rating:
Drama Paul has finally managed to buy the hotel that he has always dreamed of owning but he's also taken out an awful lot of loans to cover the costs of renovating it. Even if all goes well, it will take a long time before he manages to get out of debt. Thankfully, he's happily married to one of the prettiest women of the Périgord, Nelly, who helps him to run the hotel. But as years go by, Paul is starting to find himself to be an inadequate ... [+]
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  • es
July 11, 2022
1 of 2 users found this review helpful
Vaya pesadilla la que nos retrata Chabrol en esta película, la cual viene a ser un remake.

Un descenso a los infiernos de un matrimonio aparentemente feliz, el incremento de los celos hasta terminar en una psicosis del protagonista. Maravillosa performance de ambos, Emmanuelle Béart hermosa y talentosa, digna para el papel y Cluzet una loco que convence, cómo nos acostumbra Chabrol tiene un buen manejo de imágenes y detalle cinematográfico, dándonos un notable film psicológico que puede ser analizado por cualquiera.
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