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el_desertor rating:
Drama Sex, drugs and dangerous challenges to death in the streets of Madrid. "Kronen" is the brewery where a group of friends with few vital expectations meet, young people who take advantage of the night to live their adventures in the most exciting way possible. Any pleasure, be it speed, music or drugs, serves them to squeeze the summer nights trying to have a good time until dawn. The natural leader is Carlos, a young man as seductive as ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
December 26, 2013
3 of 7 users found this review helpful
Pero aún es peor rodar historias del Kronen, toda la película sonrojado por los diálogos demenciales, las actuaciones abochornantes, y la cutrez en general.
Que conste que algo de verdad hay en ella, pero, ¿en serio es una historia de la juventud o una pesadilla de puberto con polución nocturna incluida?
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