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Vulkar rating:
Horror When Jessica returns with her family to her childhood home, Alice, her youngest stepdaughter, begins to develop a strange attachment to Chauncey, the teddy bear she finds in the basement. At first, Alice and Chauncey entertain themselves with seemingly amusing games that gradually become more sinister and dangerous. As Alice's behavior becomes more disturbing, Jessica decides to intervene, but when she does, she realizes that Chauncey ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
March 22, 2024
2 of 2 users found this review helpful
La película explora un tema olvidado sobre los amigos imaginarios y sus posibles amenazas pero no es suficiente. Te das cuenta que se ha colocado mucha oscuridad para ocultar los pobres efectos de cgi. Se felicita los giros inesperadas pero si el principal terror buscas establecer y quieres encontrarlo un fin de semana, aquí no la encontrarás. Definitivamente no lo volvería a ver.
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