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Spain Spain · tenerife
frikiniki rating:
Comedy. Drama In his early 50s and divorced, Rémy is in the hospital. His ex-wife pleads with their son Sébastien, a very successful businessman in London, England, to come home. Sébastien hesitates — he and his father haven’t had much to say to each other for a very long time — but ends up agreeing to return, along with his French wife, to help his mother out. As soon as he arrives, Sébastien does everything in his power to get a clear diagnosis of ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
August 15, 2006
4 of 11 users found this review helpful
Sin duda, una película sumamente reflexiva en temas como la muerte, el sentido de la vida, las drogas, las relaciones interpersonales, todo esto amenizado con grandes dosis de cultura y por supuesto, humor inteligente. El film se rodea de un halo omnipresente tremendamente dramático. Una gran obra firmada por Denys Arcand que removerá lo más profundo de tu conciencia.
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