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Emilio Cappa Segis rating:
Mystery. Drama José Sirgado (Eusebio Poncela) is a frustrated horror film director and heroin addict in a tumultuous relationship with Ana (Celicia Roth). The cousin of his ex-girlfriend Marta, Pedro (Will More), sends him a video tape, an audio cassette, and the key to his apartment despite the fact that the two have only met twice; once when José came with Marta to visit the family and Pedro asked for his help in controlling time in his films, and a ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
October 22, 2011
6 of 7 users found this review helpful
Naif, desconcertante, sorprendente, por momentos infantil y en otros inquietante, a veces ridícula, fascinante, surrealista. Todo eso y más es Arrebato. Es extraña y poética, es irregular. Posee algunas de las imágenes más bellas del cine español. Arrebato es metacine que revela el desproporcionado amor de su director Zulueta, por el cine. Eusebio Poncela realizó un trabajo excelente. La banda sonora es estupenda.
Emilio Cappa Segis
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